Checking in

I know I haven’t been writing here and I apologize. In general, lack of updates mean things are going pretty well and they are for the most part. But the last month has been busy and good and confusing and happy and sometimes deeply sad, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Treatment continues on — I forgot to ask for my tumour markers last Friday because I was more concerned about peeing in a cup to find out if I had a hardly symptomatic bladder infection (I did) and fast-tracking chemo so I could get to a movie. A sign that I am not as stressed about my current situation — my relinquishing of these details.

The only other issue at play is wildly veering blood pressure which no one can figure out. I had an episode of this in February when I wasn’t on any treatment at all, and it just resolved itself. But this has been going on for awhile now, so I’ve been put on some kind of blood pressure medication to try to even things out. I actually wonder if the bladder infection and blood pressure are somehow related — the timeline is pretty right.

Health things aside, there are things coming together that I will be happy to write about once everything has been confirmed.

That’s it. Just wanted to check in and let everyone know I’m okay, I really am.

About Alicia Louise

I'm a writer, editor, fact checker, storyteller, events organizer, chronically busy yet endlessly lazy, mildly neurotic (though I keep the neuroses well-hidden, one hopes) 32-year-old with recurrent ovarian cancer. I like people and good writing and straight talk. I have a hard time feeling sorry for people, including myself, but the people that I love, I love passionately; one may even say creepily. I try to keep that mostly to myself. I'd like to be charming, but I'm usually just a mess. I'm like a gull slamming into your windshield.
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2 Responses to Checking in

  1. 1smrtcooki says:

    I hit this blog regularly because I love the way that you write about everything. I’d love to read what you thought about that movie and I’m very glad about your lack of concern about health related stuff.

  2. Cameron says:


    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



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